Many bloggers ask me how they can learn to write blog posts at a faster pace!  If you’re a new blogger it will take time and practice. Do this enough you’ll be posting content consistently to your blog like a pro!

Writing your blog content shouldn’t be a stressful and anxiety-producing activity. If it is – you’ll continue to struggle with improving your writing speed. A large number of beginner bloggers think they have to frantically rush the post-creation process.

I used to take too long to write and publish my blog posts. They never seemed good enough. Fear crept in and held me back from publishing what I wrote. As a result, I made creating blog content a difficult and unenjoyable challenge. Finally I worked on releasing my writing and blogging fears.

With practice and attention to releasing my writer doubts and fears, I eventually improved! It took time to turn what had become stressful into fun again by making a few changes. There are a number of ways that you can learn how to write your blog posts much quicker!


Show up to write daily.


Keep showing up to write and watch your blog post creation speed improve! The path to succeeding in writing your blog post quicker requires you to show up and write! If you don’t you’ll struggle to write and publish anything at all. The more you write daily the faster your writing routine develops.

Once you do this enough it will feel strange to not write every day. Doing this helps you to form habits to ultimately increase your blog post creation process.

Every pro blogger I know became an influential blogger by showing up daily to write. Each one is committed to writing and publishing content to their blogs.


Let go of the perfect post mindset.


Perfectionism will rob you of time and cause frustration. Blogging fears cause the focus to be on perfectionism. When we change our blogging mindset we release the fears that limit our blogging success. This includes areas we get stuck in creating our blog posts quicker and more consistently.

Your post won’t be perfect because nothing is perfect. The reality is our blog posts don’t need to be perfect. In fact the best posts you’ll ever write will be on the other side of fear and perfection. This is where writing freedom is found. When you are aware of this then you’ll speed up your writing flow.


Create a list of blog post ideas.


Not knowing what to write about will absorb your time and slow you down. Daily activities we do provide countless blog post ideas! Creating a list of blog post ideas that helps you always know what to write about for your next post.

In the backend of my WordPress blog here I have a list of blog post ideas. These are ideas I jot down into my phone, tablet or notebook. I add collected ideas to my post list. You’ll never run out of what to write for your next post! When life gets busy you can be blog post prepared!


Reduce unnecessary distractions.


Eliminating or reducing distractions will help to keep you writing at a steady pace. While it may be impossible to remove all distractions there are some that you can change. The internet is a busy and often distracting place for many writers and bloggers.

Pay attention to how much time you spend on social media platforms and other online activities  I achieved incredible results when I began being more intentional about where and how I spend my time online. This is also true for everything we do daily.

It’s important to be aware of your writing distractions. Know what they are so you can focus on what to do about them. Doing this also helps you save time so you can accomplish more!  When you minimize distractions you’ll increase the speed of your writing flow. Reducing distractions also works free the mind and allows you to focus your thoughts on writing quicker.


Practice free writing.


When writing our blog posts we often get in our own way. Get out of your own way to allow your thoughts freely flow! Many bloggers and writers restrict their writing flow. I enjoy free writing it allows me to write without restriction.

Doing this removes the pressure of your own expectations. Allowing you to unlock your mind for your thoughts to flow freely. Doing this allows you to ease into a writing flow. Allowing for your words to pour out of you. This helps to get your writing process moving.


Write what you know.


It takes time and practice to freely unleash your unique writing voice. Another way that you can write and publish your posts quickly is to write about what you know. You won’t be an expert on every topic.

There is no need to try to be someone you are not. If you aren’t sure of what you’re writing about this will dramatically slow you down. You’ll spend more time researching topics you’re not experience in writing about.

Instead, be you bringing your unique and genuine self into your writing. Writing about what you already know based on life experience and knowledge in your niche area helps! You will write higher-quality posts too!


Create a quick blog post outline.


Blog post outlines or templates help you to save time and create your blog posts quicker. Write down the main points that you want to cover in your blog post. Creating an outline is nice, as it allows you to spend more time writing and less time thinking about what you want to write about.

Even a blog post you wrote previously can function as a great blog post outline. You can use your post outline as a template for future posts. Filling in the areas is easier and before I know it I have the beginning foundations to a great post!

I start with the following;

  • Have a basic general idea as to what I will write about in my post.
  • Basic title to tweak later.
  • Subheadings to fill in with content. These headings can be worked with more later.
  • Short conclusion – doesn’t necessarily have to be written yet but I at least have the subheading.
  • Encourage my readers to join the conversation by asking a few questions consistent with the post topic.


Resist the urge to edit too early.


While writing resist the urge to critique and edit. Editing your written work is a separate process. Let go of perfectionism in the blog post writing process. Resist the urge to edit while in the flow of writing your post. Doing this prevents your mind from the distraction of focusing on mistakes. Allowing for free writing and an easy quick flow of thought.

While I’m writing I never interrupt the writing process to edit. This creates a mental distraction as you’ll look at what you wrote with a critical eye. Doing this blocks writing flow.

Keep writing until you have more than the amount of content you need. Take out what you don’t need. If you are a beginner focus on writing shorter posts starting out. This will make the process easier.


Writing and publishing your blog posts at a quicker pace;

Is the result of time spent being aware of where you get stuck. Often it is just a few changes consistently implemented that produce results more rapidly.

You can also try writing shorter posts which can help starting out. With practice and consistency you’ll soon be writing and publishing your blog posts faster!

Let us know in the comments what helps you to write your posts quicker?



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