Do you find it difficult to write and publish posts to your blog regularly? Many bloggers complain they simply struggle to find the time to write. For these bloggers they face feeling stuck and discouraged. The great news is you can develop a blog posting routine easier than you may think!

You don’t have to write extra long posts of a few thousand or more words. It’s better to practice writing well and produce shorter posts starting out. Posts of 600 words are a great exercise. Doing this will help you to become a skilled writer. Helping you to write with brevity and create quality content.

It takes time to develop the skill of writing and publishing regularly. We can’t get better at anything unless we learn to enjoy the process. The most important thing is to start writing daily. Consistently publish content to your blog!


Set aside time to write daily.

Do you wait for the inspiration to write? If you wait you may be stuck for quite a long time! Writing doesn’t flow freely unless you take the first step!

You have to show up and be committed to the act of writing everyday. Professional bloggers write daily even if they don’t want to.

Decide on a time and place that works best for you to write. Doing this helps you to take your writing seriously. Write intentionally and with purpose. It won’t take long to get into the correct mindset. In time you will develop a daily writing habit.

What has helped me is using a kitchen timer for 15 – 30 minutes. I’d refuse to stop writing until the timer goes off. By that time the words are flowing freely. I can continue writing until the post is done! I still do this when I see I’m distracted by many things going on around me.

The more you write the easier it becomes. Soon writing daily will become a habit. Your thoughts will flow like running water! Click To Tweet


Writing a blog post is not a one step process.

If you don’t develop and adhere to a blog posting routine then you’ll struggle as a blogger. Remember why you started your blog in the first place. We have a blog to write for the reader. To help them solve a problem based on the area you write about.

Developing practices that enable you to create quality blog content is essential to your growth and success in blogging.

To succeed at this you have to fill your blog with quality content. To do this you have to write and publish regularly. In a routine your readers can rely on. Writing your posts is not a one step process.

I’m a part of Jeff Goins Tribe Writers community.

What helped me to improve how I wrote my blog posts is by Jeff’sĀ  3 bucket system.
It`s simple and effective!

The 3 bucket system is comprised of 3 steps. Ideas, drafts and edits.


Using a blog post template.

A few years ago I started using a blog post template. Doing this helps me to quickly create my post foundation. Comprised of a few simple steps to start.

Michael Hyatt shares here how to
Use a Blogging Template to Write Posts Faster



I start my posts by quickly laying the foundation. Once I’ve done this the rest is easy!

  • Introduction – What is your post about? Give a brief description here.
  • Headings- Write out each heading. You can change up the wording later.
  • Content- fill in each heading point with a bit of content.
  • Conclusion – wrap up the post with a short conclusion.

It helps the close of your post when you generate a conversation around your post with a call to action question.

Kick fear and perfectionism to the curb.

Many writers and bloggers struggle with taking too long to write and publish a post. I used to be one of those bloggers who would take way too long!

What causes us to take too long crafting a blog post? A fear based mindset will hold your blog post writing back. Awareness is the key to dealing with the fears that lead to perfectionism.

These fears are guaranteed to generate writer’s doubt making it difficult to hit publish! When you calm your blogging fears you’ll kick perfectionism to the curb!

With practice and the right blogging mindset you’ll be well on your way to writing and publishing your posts quicker and more regularly.

They are guaranteed to generate writer’s doubt making it difficult to hit publish! When you calm your blogging fears you’ll kick perfectionism to the curb!


Create a routine that you can manage.

When we set a routine that is manageable it is easier to maintain. If you write 1 post per week and can consistently post this routine then keep doing it. On the other hand if you write 3 posts 1 week and next week nothing it confuses your audience.


The intentional effort given to creating a blog posting routine will take you far as a blogger.
Doing this will help you grow as a writer and blogger by leaps and bounds!

Let’s hear from you!

Do you have a blogging routine?
What helps you to consistently write and publish blog content?


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