Create a blog with your readers and site visitors in mind. Doing this is essential to your blogging success. Your readers appreciate and notice when you take the time to show you care. Your blog needs to be a place they love to visit often.

I’ve seen many blogs that show just the opposite. A large number of blogs lack qualities that attract readers to return. These bloggers are left to wonder why their blogs are not getting much traffic or loyal readers.

We can’t expect to create blogs that are an instant success. They take time to grow.
For your readers to enjoy coming to your blog there are a few things you need to do.

Create a blog that your readers will love and want to return to often.
Make it about them not you.


Create a blog that’s easy to navigate.


Readers visiting love a website that is easy to navigate.
Make it easy for your reader to find everything you offer.

I visit many websites that are cluttered with unnecessary features.
It isn’t necessary to have too much content on the homepage.

If their first impression offers too much at a glance they’ll leave.
They won’t go on a content hunt for what they want.

Most of your readers will not make it to the bottom of the homepage.
Keeping your homepage to a shorter scroll helps them go right to your content.


Keep the design simple and effective.


Many blogs these days are over designed.
This is problematic for not only your reader but you too.

Your blog readers and followers should see your content stand out!
I visit many blogs that are heavy in design but not content.

Or it’s filled with a ton of posts and other content but there is no organization.
Leaving the visitor to get lost in all the content.

A simple and attractive blog design is inviting.
It’s filled with content rich flow and encourages the reader to come back.

In contrast, a blog that is over designed is a cluttered blog.
This is not a pleasant user experience.

Focus on produces more content and less design.
Creating a place that your readers can enjoy.

You will have a better time managing a simple but effective blog.
Doing this allows you time to focus on creating more rich content!


Be a consistent blogger.


Readers love it when they can rely on your consistent habits of posting and connecting.
They trust you more when you produce content often. Consistent bloggers show up often.

Develop a consistent blog posting routine that you can keep up with regularly.
Stick to a posting habit you can manage rather than posting 1 week but not the next.
Or posting every other day for a few weeks and then not post for a month.


Write from a place of love for your reader.


When you care about someone you show them you care.
You show not just tell. Love is demonstrative.

If you don’t show your reader you care they won’t stay.
Rather they’ll find a blogger who demonstrates they matter.


Make it about your reader.


When you blog for yourself that is how you write.
If you are blogging for your readers it is about them not you.

Readers love posts laced with stories from you.
It helps them see you understand the problem their having.

Make it personal and effective.
Show them you genuinely care for them.


Create quality content.


Give attention to the quality of your posts.
Readers will search for something they need.

A problem they need to solve and are seeking solutions.
The quality of your content will keep them coming back for more.

If you write with your reader in mind they will notice that.
Some of these visitors to your blog will become loyal readers.


Solve a problem.


Do you want to make your website irresistible to your reader? Solve a problem and provide solutions for your readers. They won’t be able to resist coming back.

  • Produce valuable content that helps in significant ways.
  • Give to your reader generously more than you get.
  • Expect nothing in return and just keep providing help.


Connect your blog to social media


Your readers will love to connect with you often.
It’s important for them to meet the person behind the message.
You can do this by responding to their post comments.

It’s beneficial to connect your blog to a few social media networks.
I love Facebook and Twitter as a means of engaging often with my readers.




Ensure a pleasant experience when readers visit your blog and they’ll keep coming back. Your blog will be a place that you and your readers connect often. Give of yourself generously to your readers. Do this and you’ll establish a trust with them.

Let’s hear from you – What is one thing you do to help your readers enjoy coming back to your blog?


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