I’m asked by bloggers all the time why their blogs aren’t growing. My answer is to let go of unrealistic expectations and give generously. Enjoy the process of growing your blog! 

It takes time to grow a blog! Starting a blog should be a fun adventure. For many bloggers this isn’t the scenario. The things that do matter often get missed. Making some relatively simple changes can make the world of difference to your blog growth.

If your blog isn’t growing it’s time to change your blogger mindset. The good news is it’s never too late to do things differently. Implementing the several things listed here can help your blog grow!


Cluttered Blog Design


During my years as a blogger I’ve seen many blogs by now. Many blogs these days are over designed. Consequently these blogs are cluttered and difficult to navigate. I visited such a blog the other day.

It was designed to the max but when I clicked blog… nothing. Some of the links didn’t even work. Within about 15 seconds… I left!  We all want our blogs to look great but a cluttered blog drives away site visitors rather than attract them.

A simple blog design makes for an attractive, clean and easy to navigate blog. Simple and cleanly designed blogs allow your content to pop!

There is no need for a long page scroll to your homepage. People don’t stay too long on one page. Most site visitors leave before getting to the bottom of the first page. For this reason make it clear right away what your site is about.

So keep your blog design simple in nature. Doing this will ensure your blog is easier to maintain and attract loyal readers.


Not Building a tribe of friends and followers.


Our blogs don’t grow in isolation. They grow through establishing long lasting connections and friendships. These people will become your tribe of friends, readers and followers.

Read and comment frequently on other blogs. Share the posts and works of others in your niche area. Be helpful, loving and generous to other bloggers. Give without expecting anything in return. Generosity grows blogs!

I love my blogging friends and am so thankful for them! These friends all give generously and are influential bloggers! Follow bloggers like Ryan Biddulph, Sue -Ann Babcuz and Greg Narayan

Ryan and Sue -Ann just launched a blogging course to help bloggers grow their blogs.
Check out How to Bling Your Blog and Feed That Hog.

To expand your reach to a larger audience try guest posting. I highly recommend guest posting! Add value through giving guest blog posts to other bloggers. The doors to guest posting opportunities open by connecting with other bloggers in your niche.


Is your blog growth limited by fear?


Are you struggling with blogging fears? Fear limits your success and blog growth. When you conquer your blogging fears you’ll blog from a place of freedom rather than fear.

Blog from a place of generosity, love and  let go of perfectionism. When blogging from a place of freedom, love and generosity fear leaves. Doing this allows you and your blog to experience abundant growth. All leading to future blogging success!


Do you have unrealistic expectations?


There are many reasons why blogs don’t grow.  Many new bloggers have the expectation quick blog growth. Disappointment comes when expectations are not met. The important thing to remember is blogs take time to grow. Too many bloggers get impatient with this process.

Do the work and take the time to grow your blogs to success. Click To Tweet

Remember that giving generously grows blogs. Offering something for free to your readers is a wonderful way to keep them coming back. People love getting free offers. When you do this often they will begin to see you as an expert in your niche. The more you give the more people are attracted to you and your blog.




If you have fun growing your blog and enjoy the journey you’ll blog with energy and enthusiasm. When you struggle with blogging this energy shows in everything you do. Your blogging prosperity comes when you let go of unrealistic expectations. Happy blogging friends!


Let’s hear from you!


What are a few things you’ve done that has helped grow your blog?


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