This is a guest post by our top contributing author and travel blogger Ryan Biddulph. He is the founder of Blogging From Paradise, his course 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging and the author of more than 126 eBooks. 


Do you suffer through a blog traffic drought right now?

What channels can you work?

Do you guest post? When is the last time you published a genuine, in-depth comment on a top blog from your niche?

Broadcast live on Facebook or Twitter. Record and upload videos to YouTube, Rumble, and LinkedIn. Promote fellow bloggers through your blog and social media.

Any struggle dissolves the moment you identify, seize and use blogging channels to help people.

Working channels demand a certain willingness to be open to these strategies. Bloggers usually resist guest blogging for a few common fears promoting closed-mindedness. Some fear being rejected. Others fear being criticized. Most fear their guest posts falling on deaf ears. Yet more bloggers fear wasting time guest blogging for readers unfamiliar with their blogging voice. Either you feel the fears to open to the channel or you resist fears to close yourself off from the channel.


Assess Your Blogging Stage


New bloggers generally encounter guest posting difficulties for a lack of:

  • skills
  • experience
  • connections
  • credibility

one gains after 100’s of blogging hours spanning months. But new bloggers can comment genuinely on blogs after reading posts to work this channel. Beginner bloggers can easily share blog posts on Twitter and Facebook to plant seeds for prospering blogging friendships.

Assess your blogging stage to find appropriate channels to work.

Advanced bloggers boasting large, loyal friend networks the byproduct of diligent blogger outreach can easily submit and place guest posts if the individuals display writing clarity, confidence, and skills.


Work without a Taking Energy


Bloggers often make the critical error of working channels with taking energy, being hellbent on squeezing as much traffic and profits as possible. Every blogger seems entitled to drive ample traffic and profits through efforts but trying to take or get adds fear-based energy to your work. Bloggers and readers sense the fear and largely stay away.

Work with a giving energy in mind. Be unconcerned with your needs but exclusively focused on the needs of fellow bloggers and readers. Feel free to promote yourself via an eBook link drop or course mention but focus your efforts on generously offering true help to experience the greatest success online. Cultivate an abundance mentality to work a series of channels generously, patiently, and persistently.

Allow yourself to ferret out fears fueling taking, getting, or scarcity energies. Be with trying to take to move on getting fears. Let your natural state of abundance to dominate your work ethic. However, giving freely morphs work into play because giving to give removes the strain and work of giving to get.


Problems Represent Shortages


Blogging problems seem propped up by the idea of shortages in mind.

For example, imagine working a guest blogging channel. Traffic and profits gains sit at zero after 2 weeks of guest blogging. However, a deeper analysis reveals a guest post shortage since you only published 2 guest posts during the 2-week stretch.

Everything improves as shortages disappear into giving fests. Let this concept enrich your mind.

If you intend to turbo-charge your blogging campaign, work multiple channels generously. Consider blogging, guest blogging, genuine blog commenting, and video marketing to optimize traffic and profits gains through the concept of establishing tributary-like streams flowing to your blog.

Picture your blog being a massive river. Imagine a collection of tributaries flowing far and wide, allowing the mighty river to flow hundreds of miles to the east, south, and west. Each brand behaves like blogging channels to work in order to increase your exposure, skills, credibility, traffic, and profits.

Slowly and steadily add channels to your campaign as your skillset expands.

Patiently establish a viral online presence by working each channel generously.




How to Organize Your Blogging Day for Maximum Efficiency





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