This is a guest post by our top contributing author and travel blogger Ryan Biddulph.   He is the founder of Blogging From Paradise, his course 11 Fundamentals of Successful Blogging and the author of more than 126 eBooks. 

11:49 PM on a Friday night.

I intend to slap another blogging single.

I built my career not on writing and publishing spectacular, viral blog posts but by writing short, simple blog posts over a decade. Help people with clear, simple posts. Solve problems. Develop a viral online presence versus trying to write a viral post.

Most bloggers swing and whiff because most bloggers put too much attention, energy, fear and attachment into a single blog post. For every viral post millions upon millions die in the cyber grave yard being virtually undetected.

Stop trying to hit a blogging home run every time you publish a blog post. Slap singles day after day to learn the secret of becoming a professional blogger.

The Legend Shares

Someone once asked online legend Gary Vaynerchuk how he landed an interview on the world-renowned Conan O’Brien Show. He shared how he completed over 2000 YouTube interviews. Gary Vee also explained how a decent chunk of the interviews registered zero views. He simply did not turn down an open mic. Gary did not land the interview on a world-famous show by hitting 1 or 2 home runs in the form of viral blog posts. He hit thousands upon thousands of singles by accepting 2000 plus interviews for virtually any YouTuber who asked to interview him.

Legends focus on being solid for 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 hours or more. Fools and failures try to be spectacular for a day, week, month or year.

Stop swinging for the fences. Start slapping singles. Embody the secret of happy, poised, professional bloggers. Go pro by writing simple, helpful blog posts thousands upon thousands of times as you build your friend network, open multiple streams of income and trust in the blogging process.

I Hit Singles for 10 Years

Bloggers sometimes ask how I got featured on Fox News, Forbes, Virgin and Entrepreneur.

I simply wrote and published helpful blog posts for years while networking genuinely, generously and persistently. My answer confuses new bloggers. Newbies believe pros do spectacular, eye-popping stuff to pop up on the radar screen of contributors from world-renowned blogs, brands and businesses. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur and Virgin contributors pitched me because I popped up on the radar screen of contributors from each business. I popped up on the radar screen of these contributors because I appear to be in tens of thousands of spots in my blogging niche. I appear in this many spots because I published 5,000 plus pieces of simple, easy to understand content.

This guest post may not knock your socks off but my clear, powerful message expands my presence more and increases the chances that I pop up on the radar screen of major media outlets, influencers or other powerful entities.

I hit singles for a decade by publishing basic, helpful content. I retired to a life of island hopping by keeping things simple, patient and persistent.

Blog Simply for a Long Time Versus Spectacularly
for a Short Time

Blog simply for thousands of hours to go pro.

Trying to blog spectacularly for a short time leads to struggles, failure and quitting because short-term bloggers gain no real skills, exposure or credibility. Unskilled bloggers with no real exposure and no genuine credibility struggle, fail and quit 100% of the time.

Listen to reader problems. Publish posts to solve the problems. Do this for years. Network generously for years. Open multiple income streams. Succeed.

Keep it simple for a long time to become a professional blogger.


One secret to keeping things simple is to be a patient blogger.

Feeling like you have ample time makes you patient.

I wrote an eBook to help you save your blogging time.

Buy it here:

10 Time Saving Tips for Busy Bloggers

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