This is a guest post by Ryan Biddulph. He shares smart blogging tips at Blogging From Paradise.



Or what you do “allow” to disturb your blogging campaign?

Observe elections. Pay close attention to politics. Assess the news headlines. How about trivial family matters? What – or who – do you allow to disturb your blogging campaign? What triggers agitation in you leading to you shirking your blogging duties?

I am hardly a blogging cyborg. I feel agitated in moments. Some rare peeks at news headlines on Twitter annoy me here and there. But I choose to blog versus detouring to focus my attention and energy on:

  • politics
  • elections
  • news headlines
  • trivial family stuff
  • any stuff other than blogging

Even though I am no mindless blogging robot I have it in my power to choose to blog versus choosing to follow the news or to opine about the elections. I prefer blogging, fun and freedom over everything else. I appear to be like clockwork because I value blogging, fun and freedom over everything else in terms of potential disturbances, distractions and attention black holes.


Nobody “gets” distracted because bloggers have a free will.


Bloggers choose what bloggers decide to do. But most bloggers blog for fear-based drivers like money or popularity. Fear-based drivers influence you to backburner blogging at a moment’s notice; news, politics, elections, family matters and other events take precedence over blogging because you value each more than you value blogging for money and/or fame.


No thing disturbs you although the appearance seems real. You choose to give your attention and energy to people or events based on what you value. Humans who value blogging more than virtually all else in terms of distractions blog no matter what.

People who blog for fun, freedom and fulfillment value blogging over everything else. Note; I do not suggest valuing blogging over your family, of course.




Never make blogging some god or sole focal point of your life. But do blog generously, persistently and consistently no matter what because committing fully to blogging allows blogging to commit fully to you.

Blogging gives you what you give blogging.


But giving blogging your all feels uncomfortable in moments because the common disturbances of politics, news, elections and small family issues feel too enticing, too tempting and too irresistible to turn down. Why? Suffering from the fear of missing out scares you into putting blogging on the backburner in favor of giving your attention and energy to these disturbances.

Bloggers whose minds seem dominated by fear allow fear-illusion to poison and weaken their mind. Weak-minded bloggers – or bloggers suffering through a weak-minded moment – seem disturbed by everything.


How do you commit to blogging in the appearance of politically chaotic times, wild elections, manipulative news headlines and seeming family drama?

Take control of your mind to become aware of fears triggered by disturbances.

I suggest spending 30-60 minutes or more daily managing your energy to expand your awareness.



I meditate, do Kriya yoga, do yin yoga and power walk to:

  • expand my awareness
  • see my mind as it really is
  • observe, face, feel and release my fears
  • develop the habit of maintaining serenity, calm and poise amid the
    appearance of disturbances.


Blogging – and life – becomes easier if you take control of your mind, face your fears and dissolve illusory disturbances because you get the blogging job done and walk around the minefield of chaos crippling weaker minded individuals whose minds seem dominated by fear.

See through the illusion of disturbances to commit fully to your blogging campaign.



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